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These dogs earned their Championships in 2003
Ch. Nanjay's Notably Nathaniel - "Nat"
Breeder: Nanci J. Footitt
Owners: Arlene and Dennis Blum
Nathaniel, or "Nat the Brat" as he was affectionately called, lived with his 'mom' and 'dad', and his "big brother" Dillon (Ch. Nanjay's Marshal Dillon CD CGN CGC), where he kept them all on their toes and laughing at his sense of humour. Nat enjoyed life to the fullest. He was a happy, animated yet contented dog, who brought loving companionship with unquestioning devotion; excitement, fun (and joyful noise) into each and every day.
Sadly young Nat crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 8, 2009, one month before his 8th birthday. Gone much too soon. Arlene and Dennis are thankful to the staff at Hartzel Animal Hospital for all their care in Nat's final days ... and moments. He will be greatly missed and lovingly remembered... our sweet sweet boy.
** View Nathaniel's Pedigree **
Ch. Nanjay's Miss Atti Tude - "Atti"
#1 Top English Springer Spaniel Bitch in Canada for 2003
#4 Top English Springer Spaniel in Canada for 2003
Breeder: Nanci J. Footitt
This fancy brown package certainly lives up to her name, and has quite the entertaining "attitude". Miss Atti is one of the gang who will greet you at the door here at Nanjay - unusual, in the fact that we usually choose boy-dogs to live with. "But Mom" my son Corbin said, "If she were human, she would definitely be a tom-boy." And so, Miss Atti is here to stay. (And they tell me that everyone has to live with at least one mischievous springer in their lifetime!)
Miss Atti Tude took some time from her busy schedule of playing with my son, playing with the cat and general mischief making to attend three conformation dog shows this year. At her first show, she came home with a Best of Breed, Group Third, and a Puppy Group win. The next time out at a show was when she was entered at the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada's National Specialty, where she earned the only Award of Merit given out that day (at 15 months of age!).
We decided to show her one more time - in actual fact, to have a photo taken by the professional show photographer as we never managed to get a picture of our pretty girl - and Miss Atti thrilled us by coming home with a Best of Breed and a Group 1st. Wow --- our girl made us very proud! We are especially appreciative of the support and admiration given to Miss Atti Tude by fellow breeders, exhibitors and judges.
Even though Miss Atti enjoys the show ring so much, there is nothing more pleasing to her than spending time with her my son, and her buddy, Norbert. You will find them out swimming, playing tag or in Miss Atti's case, demolishing all of the puppy toys.
View the Volvo Canada ad featuring Miss Atti
** View Miss Atti's Pedigree **
Ch. Springbrook Nanjay X Raitted - "Bonnie"
Breeder: Elaine Bertelsen
Bonnie (or Bonnie Rait as she is also known) earned her first conformation points in Canada when she was handled by her mom, Keri Chard-Savage. I "borrowed" her for a couple of weekends this summer and Bonnie finished her championship quickly with WB (Winners Bitch) her three times out, as well as a RWB (Reserved Winners Bitch) at a Springer Specialty show.
Bonnie is one of those "sweet" girls; always ready for a cuddle, hug and kiss, but always ready for to play as well. She was bred by good friend Elaine Bertelsen, of Springbrook fame, and has Nanjay on both sides of her pedigree. Bonnie's most important thing in life is her best friend, Rebecca - the young girl who shares her bed with her "Bonnie-Dog". We look forward to Bonnie's contribution to our Nanjay breeding program.
** View Bonnie's Pedigree **
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