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Champions born in 2000
Ch. Nanjay's Marshal Dillon CD, CGN, CGC - "Dillon"
Breeder: Nanci J. Footitt
Co-breeder: Marjorie Robson
Dillon finished his championship undefeated with multiple BB (Best of Breeds) and a group placement from the classes. Dillon has a great sense of humour and has friends from all around the world! Dillon loves the time he spends with his mom and dad, hanging out, going for walks, playing with his "brother" (nephew), Ch. Nanjay's Notably Nathaniel (Nat the Brat!). Dillon is a Canadian Champion, a Canine Good Neighbour, a Canine Good Citizen, and a Companion Dog. He earned his Canadian CD title in style by passing three consecutive trials, in one weekend.
** View Dillon's Pedigree **
Ch. Nanjay's Canamer Keepsake - "Keeper"
Breeder: Nanci J. Footitt
Co-breeder: Irene Eadie
Keeper finished her Canadian championship at just over a year of age. She spends her time as the cherished companion to the Bradshaw family, where she is ever-ready playmate to Heather and Grant. She is a sweet, gentle little girl who is always ready for a play and/or a cuddle. Keeper is a wonderful blend of the Nanjay and Canamer pedigrees, and represents over eight generations of Nanjay bloodlines.
** View Keeper's Pedigree **
Ch. Nanjay's Patriot - "Riggs"
Breeder: Nanci J. Footitt
Co-breeder: Irene Eadie
Riggs finished his Canadian championship very quickly, being defeated only once in the ring (his first weekend out). He was specialled only once, where he went BB (Best of Breed) over a BIS (Best In Show) winning special! His parents, Ed & Glenna Scarlett, thought he finished too quickly, as they were just "getting into" going to the shows! He makes his home with his little "sister" (actually his niece), Tilley, and a cat at the Scarlett home, where he serves as a wonderful ambassador for the breed.
** View Riggs' Pedigree ** |
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