September Bulletin Board
* Updated, September 13th *
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Dear Springer Enthusiasts:
Well, another summer has come and, regrettably, is now almost gone. This summer, however, was special as the month of August saw the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. I hope that most of you were able to share in the excitement by watching the Olympics on television, or maybe an elite few of you were privileged to be in the stands in Athens and experience this wonderful event in the first person.
Things have been quiet here at Nanjay. No shows or competitions to report on. But as always, lots of reports and updates from my extended "Nanjay Family". I love hearing about all of the really important stuff: how Janey has learned to dive off of the dock and will swim out to the raft all by herself; how Lola has learned a few new tricks (with the help of her great teachers, Patrick and Thomas); that Billie (who is now ten years old) thinks that there is nothing better in the world that her new (human) baby brother, Eric and how much she loves him, and so much more.
I smile every time I receive a report of how so many of the parents of Nanjay Springers are consistently being stopped on the street by people to get some more information about the beautiful dog they are walking. Springers - they are the greatest, aren't they?
I also wanted to take a moment to congratulate new mom Bonnie Campbell and her husband, Dr. Doug Chisholm on the arrival of their son, Andrew this past summer. Little Andrew is a baby brother for "Hamish" (their six and a half year old black and white Springer Son) and never has a baby been more wanted and loved than Andrew!
Congratulations also are extended to Andrew's excited new grand-parents, Ann and Alex Chisholm (and yes, you guessed it, Anne and Alex also share their home with a lovely six year old black and white male Springer, "Nelson"). Congratulations to all!!
Until next month, take care, and remember to have lots of fun with your Springers!
Nan and the Nanjay Fur Patrol
Thanks so much Nanci. The article below is something I added to your Bulletin Board while I was waiting (patiently) for you to send this month's entry. I think I'll leave it here. Ciao, (Dillon and Nat's 'mom')
Back to School Time:
Did you know that training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog? The time you spend teaching your dog helps to build the bond you share. It's an opportunity for you and your dog to have fun together, and can be done at every age of your pet's life.
Training can, and should, be fun and rewarding for both you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable.
Why take your dog back to school?
- To strengthen your relationship with your dog.
- To discover and develop your dog's special aptitudes.
- To increase your dog's ability to learn new things.
- To encourage your dog to be confident and to learn new skills.
- To promote a happy, eager attitude toward training of all kinds.
- To learn tricks that will entertain you, your friends, and your dog!
- To teach your dog useful behaviours for day to day living.
- To relieve stress, relieve boredom and to have some fun!
Your dog is not too old or too "dumb"! All dogs can learn new things, whether they are young or old, smart or otherwise. A trained dog is so much more fun to own, and will allow your dog to live a better quality of life.
Your dog can, and should, learn new things throughout his or her life! Just remember that learning ability and intelligence are not the same thing, and that dogs do not all learn at the same rate. Some dogs that can't seem to follow orders, are actually very smart but see no reason to please their indulgent owners. This is why taking classes with your dog, under a qualified trainer is a very good idea.
Some dogs learn new commands quickly; others may seem to take forever to learn, but dogs, both young and old, can learn new tricks. Dogs, like children, have attention spans that vary in length. Personalities also affect learning.
A young rowdy dog needs to learn to slow down and pay attention. A timid dog needs to be re-assured and led slowly through classes, working mainly on building confidence. An older dog that was not exposed to training at a young age will likely progress more slowly. But that doesn't mean he can't learn! Any dog (old or young) can learn new tricks.
If you want to teach your dog something new (whatever his or her age) and reap the benefits of having a well-trained companion, there are some excellent trainers offering classes. There are many different types of trainers and methods. Sit in on some classes and look around until you find a trainer that suits you and your dog.
September is "Back to School" time, so why not take set of classes with your dog? Both of you will be able to improve your minds and move your bodies. Your dog will benefit from being in the company of other dogs in a class environment too. There are classes for obedience, agility, flyball, tricks and games, jumping and retrieving.
Your dog hopes you will sign up for a class where you can have some fun together this Fall :-)
--- "Hey Nat, wanna go back to school?"
(It was Nathaniel's 3rd Birthday on September 9th.)
Happy B-Day Nat! -- and Happy Fall Y'all,