Let's be spooky. Lets have fun!
We'll scare ourselves before we're done
with ghosts and goblins - winds that howl
Things that fly and things that prowl.
We'll talk about such creepy stuff
until we both get scared enough
to hear things that we cannot see
and see things that just cannot be.
Let's be spooky - you and me.

~By Bobbi Katz~

October Bulletin Board

Dear Springer Enthusiasts:

I hope that you and your Springers have been able to take advantage of this wonderful Fall weather, enjoying walks and outdoor activities. Here, in Caledon, we are finally getting the long awaited warm summer weather we did not receive earlier this year and the dogs are loving it. Springers do remind me of toddlers in so many ways -- can either pass a pile of leaves without jumping into them?!?
I wanted to start off this newsletter by congratulating the Howgego family, Jim, Linda, Becky and Tori, and of course the "star" of the family, "Ringer" (a.k.a. Chester). Ringer may now be addressed in the more formal circles as Ch. Nanjay's Brass Ring. Yes, I finally got Ringer out to another show in September and he finished his championship earning that last necessary point. Finished so quickly, in fact, that we didn't even bring him back to compete the next day -- after all, it was the weekend and the family was at the cottage -- yahoo! You will soon be able to see a photo of Ringer (at his very first show) in the Conformation Show Photos section of this site.
As many of you know, I have a very soft spot in my heart for all of our "veterans" (a "veteran" is a dog seven years of age or over). What pleases me to no end is to see how long our wonderful Springers stay keen and active. And with this in mind I would like to offer my congratulations to a very special "veteran", Katie and her owner and trainer, Chris Bryce.

Katie and Chris went to their first Rally Obedience Trial in September and did a great job! They competed in a total of four trials in two days and finished with scores (out of a possible 200) of 191, 199, 197, and 191. These scores also earned them a Rally Novice B Magna Cum Laude or RN-MCL, as well as some large third and fourth place rosettes.

Katie is now known as Nanjay's Lady Katherina CD, CDX, RN-MCL. Chris mentioned that Katie now has more letters after her name than he does!! What a smart girl! We are very proud of you both!
On the second Monday in October Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday to give thanks for a successful harvest (unlike the Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving in November to give thanks and honour the pilgrims who settled in the New World.) The first formal Canadian Thanksgiving was held just over 40 years prior to the pilgrims landing in Massachusetts.

As well as give thanks for our bountiful harvest, it is a celebration of thanks for all we have -- family and friends. I have been blessed by being mom to my son Corbin. He is a great kid, and I'm very proud of him. I would also like to take a moment to thank all of the Springers who have enriched our lives. These wonderful animals give us unquestionable love, companionship and loyalty. I could not imagine my life without them. And because of my connection with this wonderful breed I have met some very special people and friends who continue to enrich my life daily. For this, I give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Halloween!

Until next month,
Nan and the Nanjay Fur Patrol


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