God Made Dads
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it... "DAD"
~ author unknown ~
This year, June 19th is Father's Day,
when Dad is "King for a Day!"
Enjoy your day Sire!
Dear Springer Enthusiasts:
This month I would like to start off this Bulletin Board by wishing all of the "Dads" - both human and canine - a Happy Fathers Day.
Thanks to the many notes of concern over my recent car accident and resulting physiotherapy. Even though I am still in physio, I am doing much better and hope to be back to full capacity soon.
Well, it is finally summertime, or at least we think it is here at Nanjay! Our definition of summer is if the mosquitoes are out - so to us, it's summer! The past few mornings when the Nanjay Fur Patrol and I went for our walk in the woods at dawn I heard that old familiar (and unwelcomed) buzzing sound and felt the occasional bite. I know it's time to get the Mosquito Magnet out of the barn and hook it up for the summer. (www.mosquitomagnet.com)
Now that the hot weather is here, I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone about some summer "rules" for your Springers Many of my clients spend their summers, or at least weekends, at the family cottage. No one enjoys this time up north more than the family Springer. I am happy to know that a lot of families have purchased a life jacket for their companion. Yes, it is true that Springers are wonderful, strong swimmers, but it is good to see that the safety given to adults and children is also extended to the family pet. Dogs can easily fall out of (or jump out of) a boat, canoe or kayak, and I have had reports of how easy it is to get a dog back in IF they are wearing a life vest. The better canine life jackets have a loop, or a handle, at the top of the jacket and this allows you to pick the dog up by the handle and assist him/her back into the boat with ease. It has stopped a few kayaks from tipping over as that 50 pound Springer tries to climb aboard!
Also remember that if your Springer is spending a large part of the day in the water (and if you live lakeside I am sure that they are!) their coats need some special care. Make sure that your dog still has a regular bath and shampoo. Yes, I know he is in the water every day, but the lake is not the cleanest place to be, and they can become rather smelly! Also be sure to dry off your springer every day and make sure that those ears are kept extra clean and dry.
Mosquitoes have become quite a concern in our area. I have been trying some different products on my Springers to repel the mosquitoes and so far everything is working. Best thing you can do is to avoid having your Springers outside at dusk and dawn; the time that the mosquito population is at its heaviest. I have two families who have also reported that the purchase of a "Mosquito Magnet" has stopped the problem completely -- these are great machines, especially if you live out in the country or are near a pond or some other mosquito breeding ground. It's true that our dogs are not bothered as badly as we are by these "bugs", but you will notice them gathering on any area of your Springer that is clippered -- so much easier for these hungry devils to get through the hair!
I know it goes without saying, but remember the rules about safety in the car when traveling with your dog -- making sure that the windows are down, or the air conditioner on. Lots of water when traveling. Make sure your Springer has some shade when in the car as it is surprising how hot it can be for him/her when driving. And, of course, under NO circumstances should a dog be left in the car in the summer -- the car heats up very quickly inside and it is not safe.
It would seem unusual to have a monthly bulletin board filled with Nanjay News and NOT talk about Sheila Kuja and her obedience bombshell, Lexi. I would hate for this month's bulletin to be an exception, so&..As you know Sheila and Lexi have climbed the ladder to the top in the Canadian Kennel Club obedience arena, having earned a CD (Companion Dog), CDX (Companion Dog Excellent), and the coveted UD (Utility Dog) tites so now Lexi is known as an "OTCH" (Obedience Trial Champion).
Never ones to chill out and rest on their laurels, Sheila and Lexi entered into a U.K.C. event (United Kennel Club) and earned a CD (Companion Dog) title this past month. As well, Sheila and her pal, Lexi, are pLaying in some Rally classes and Agility classes. I can't wait to see what this pair is up to next! Lexi is now known as "U-CD OTCH. Nanjay's Canamer Legacy CGN" WOW - congratulations to you both!
So, until next month, take care, and have fun with your Springers.