July Bulletin Board

Dear Springer Enthusiasts:

HAPPY CANADA DAY!! (And to our American friends, south of our border, Happy Independence Day (July 4th)!

Those hot, hazy days of summer have certainly come early this year, at least in Caledon, Ontario (where we live) and also for most of southern Ontario. Enjoy the weather while you can but remember all of the safety precautions you need to take with your beloved Springer.

We've always been proud of our "old boy" here at Nanjay, but now we have even more to boast about! Norbert (Can. Am. Ch. Nanjay's Noteworthy) competed in the South Western Ontario Sporting Dog Specialty on the last Sunday in June, in Dorchester, Ontario. He was entered in the Veteran Sweepstakes only. Veteran classes have always been one of my favourites -- I just love watching the "mature" dogs having fun in the ring and strutting their stuff! Norbert did a great job in the ring, winning the "10 years and over" class and then went on with the finalists from the "7 to 10 years of age" class to compete for Best In Veteran Sweepstakes and Reserve Best In Sweepstakes.

Norbert was competing against two lovely 7 year old English Setters and he did us all proud by winning it all and earning the "Best In Veteran Sweepstakes" award! There were quite a few teary eyes as everyone at the show stopped and hollered and hooted for the veterans. And yes, the other veteran here at Nanjay was handling him -- me! As soon as the sweepstakes classes were over Norbert was whisked off to have a nice afternoon nap in good friend William Alexander's air conditioned truck. He enjoyed the cool truck so much I let him sleep until the show was over, forgetting to get a picture of this nice win.

Also at this Sporting Dog Specialty, Best of Breed in English Springers was awarded to our boy, "Everett" (Ch. Nanjay's No Regrets). Everett was presented in the breed ring by our good friend and handler extraordinaire, William Alexander, and shown in the group ring by William's talented young assistant, Marcello Santiago. Marcello did a beautiful job grooming and preparing Everett for the ring and then he piloted Everett on to the final cut in the group ring.

The same weekend that Everett earned the Breed win at the Specialty he also earned a Best of Breed and a Group Third at the Hamilton Kennel Club Show. Everett was handled by Marcello in the group ring where he went on to win the award. William handled Everett in the breed ring. Many thanks to both William, Monica and Marcello for the care they give all of my Nanjay crew -- this is a team who are truly devoted to all of the dogs who are in their care.

We are very excited about this nice young (and very goofy) liver and white boy. For an idea on how Everett looks now that he is 2 years old be sure to check out an updated photo on Page 14 in the Conformation Photo section of this site.

Both Norbert and Everett are technically owned by my son, Corbin. Both of the dogs are best of friends and with the addition of Atti (Ch. Nanjay's Miss Atti Tude) and Sailor (the cat) they make up the "Nanjay Fur Patrol" of which I often speak. I don't know how Corbin (who is over 5'9" tall at the age of 12) fits into his bed with his "gang" but they all seem to happily manage. And truth be known, the darn cat takes up the most room (he is, after all, a 20 pound Ragdoll Cat)!

Well, that's an update on what's happening here at Nanjay. Hopefully, I won't be spending the entire summer in physiotherapy (thanks to the many who have sent notes of concern) and will be busy playing with the dogs -- oh those summer games. And that's where I am off to right now ..... Norbert has requested (barked till I moved my butt!) that I get up and get going away from this computer -- he needs someone to blow the bubbles so that he and the gang can chase and catch them.

Take care, and as always, have fun with your Springers!


Have a happy and safe summer!

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