October 2005

October 2005 Bulletin Board

Fellow Springer Enthusiasts:

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all of our friends, our extended Nanjay family and fellow Springer enthusiasts. This Thanksgiving has most definitely reminded me that we have so much to be thankful for. As well as giving thanks for our bountiful harvest, it is a celebration of thanks for all we have -- family and friends. I have a life filled with a wonderful son, loving family, great friends and I am privileged to share my days with these wonderful English Springer Spaniels. For this, I give thanks.

I haven't moved ... BUT I do have a new address! Canada Post has decided to change my mailing address. All you have to do is drop the Rural Route Number, change the town and change the postal code ..... well, at least my street address is the same!

The new address is:
14457 Innis Lake Road
Caledon, Ontario
Canada L7C 2Z8

September saw our friend Sheila Kuja and her liver and white Springer bombshell, Lexi, in the ring again, earning yet another title. Here is the report that Sheila shared with me:

"Over the past weekend, Lexi was in another Rally-O trial. She did extremely well - her mom was another story!  Despite being hampered with me she managed to attain her RA (Rally Advanced) title - again MCL (magna cum laude) - but her scores weren't as high as they were for Novice (all above 196) - due to the fact that I didn't know the rules well enough.  I could have repeated a station in Advanced (this is acceptable and will only cost 2 or 3 points off if she did it correctly the second time) but I didn't so lost 8 points instead.  In one run she earned a 198 and second place ribbon though.  We tried one run in Excellent and because she anticipated a finish - and it was the wrong one for that station - I thought - Hmm - I'll just repeat that one correctly - OOPS - no repeats allowed in Excellent (I didn't repeat when I could have and did when I couldn't - Fui!!).  She did a beautiful job otherwise and would have had a nice score."

Congratulations to Sheila and Lexi, who is now known as Nanjay's Canamer Legacy, CGN, AGN, UKC-CD, RA-MCL. Keep up the GREAT work!

Once again this month I must thank everyone for their kind words and notes of concern regarding the accident we had this past August. For me, physio continues, as does dentistry (ouch - I have some fractured teeth) and appointments with several specialists.

My son, Corbin, is on the road to recovery and seems to be traveling on this road much faster than I am able (ah, to be young again!)

Our dear sweet Springer, Everett, is still in a cast at this time of writing. He is such a stoic boy, just sitting in his crate wondering when he will be let out on "good behaviour". We have been keeping the house very quiet (we even disconnected the doorbell!) in an effort to avoid any of the usual "triggers" that would have him jumping up and causing any damage to his leg and shoulder. He is due to have the cast changed again, and another set of x-rays should let us know how things are progressing.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hallowe'en!!
