
Bulletin Board

. . Dear Springer Enthusiasts:

I have been rather tardy in updating this bulletin board as of late. Sorry, but I have a good excuse -- I have been busy playing with my last litter of puppies. And anyone who knows me understands that is my favourite (and most time consuming) thing to do!! So please forgive me, and on with the latest Nanjay News.....

Nanjay Canamer Legacy C.D., C.G.N.
Four paws up to Sheila Kuja and her little girl "Lexi". Sheila and Lexi earned a C.D. (Companion Dog) title last month, so now Lexi is known as Nanjay Canamer Legacy C.D., C.G.N. (Yes, she had already earned her C.G.N. - Canine Good Neighbour - title). On the way to her CD title Sheila and Lexi also won two Highest Scoring Novice B and one 2nd Highest Scoring Novice B. Well, the Nanjay Fur Patrol is VERY impressed, as we do realize, and appreciate, all of the work it takes to earn any title in obedience. We are especially proud that Lexi managed to keep her sense of humour in check and not embarrass her mother at any of the trials! Congratulations Sheila and Lexi!!

Ch. Springbrook Nanjay X Raitted
"Bonnie" may now be addressed as Ch. Springbrook Nanjay X Raitted, having finished her championship the first day of the Grey Bruce Kennel Club show this past August. Bonnie was piloted to six of her points by her mother, Keri Chard-Savage. Rebecca, the proud eight-year old girl, who owns Bonnie is very happy that she now will be on her bed every night and that I won't have to 'borrow' Bonnie for a dog show again. Bonnie was bred by Rick and Elaine Bertelsen, and she has Nanjay on both sides of her pedigree, so we feel she has really 'come home' to add to the Nanjay breeding programme. You can see Bonnie's photo in the photo gallery. Yahoo Bonnie!

Ch. Nanjay Karmadi Latest Trend
Oh my, even more members of the Nanjay family with news! ...."Jackson's" first time entered as a senior puppy saw him (with me on the end of the lead) in the ring at the Grey Bruce Kennel Club show this past August. After three days in the ring, Jackson thrilled us all by earning three Best of Breeds (from the senior puppy class) three Best Puppy in Breeds, one Best Puppy In Group, one Group Fourth, and a Best Puppy In Show, as well as nine points! Special thanks to William Alexander for showing Jackson after the first day and allowing me to have a couple of days off.

His owner, Diane Herns, of Karmadi Kennels was delighted, and this inspired her to enter him in one more show at home. Jackson finished that weekend with a four point win and a Best of Breed. He is now proud to be known as "Ch. Nanjay Karmadi Latest Trend".

Diane and Jackson were on a roll, because in September they ventured stateside to a large show in Finger Lakes, New York. Jackson earned, from the senior puppy class, a 3-point major, a 2-point win, and a major reserve! We are excited about this lovely young dog and proud to be his co-owners. Watch for his picture to be posted soon in the photo gallery. Congratulations Jackson!

Nanjay Canamer Road Trip
Way to go "Roady"! Nanjay Canamer Road Trip, "Roady", ventured into the show ring for the first time on November 1st at the Trillium Dog Fanciers Show. He earned two Best of Breeds and five points towards his championship (only five more to go). We have Roady entered in his second show at the end of the month, and we have our fingers crossed for a repeat performance! William Alexander did a wonderful job, as always, handling Roady to these exciting wins. Roady's proud parents, Linda & Ed Ansell are rightly proud of their baby boy! I will post his picture in the photo gallery after we have one taken at the next show.

Ch. Nanjay's No Regrets
And last, but certainly, not least, we are very proud of our boy, "Everett". Everett is also known as Ch. Nanjay's No Regrets and can usually be found on my son's bed trying to hide under the covers with a stuffed toy he has "borrowed". We pulled him off the bed long enough to enter him in a couple of shows as a junior puppy where he quickly earned several Best of Breeds and also has four Best Puppy In Groups to his credit. He finished his championship, with William Alexander on the end of his lead, the day he turned nine months old. Everett is the first champion for his mom, "Nikita" (Ch. Nanjay's Nickelodeon) and the promising young American stud dog, "Emmett" Am. Ch. Amilyn ESSpecial Backstreet Boy. Way to go Everett!

New 'Nanjay' Families
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the wonderful people who have recently joined the "Nanjay family" after welcoming the latest Nanjay puppies into their homes. I have truly been blessed over the years, and continue to be so, with the quality of homes provided to my Nanjay babies. As anyone who has ever purchased a puppy from Nanjay knows, I have a bit of trouble letting my babies go (yeah, yeah, after 28 years of breeding, I still sob like a baby when a puppy leaves!) and so knowing how these puppies are immediately accepted as loving members of their new families means everything to me. I know that I am very particular where my puppies go, and it certainly pays off in the care and love that they receive. I hope that your new puppy bring to your lives the companionship and love that my Springers bring to my son and me.

Take care, and as always, all the best in your Springer endeavours......



NANJAY Perm. Reg'd English Springer Spaniels

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